Gradekeeper registration
Gradekeeper registration

gradekeeper registration


The school may mail your Activation Code to you in a letter, or print it out for you in person at the school office. If you do not have an email address, or your email address is not on file with the school, then you must use the activation code given to you directly by the school. In order to sign up for a new parent account, the school must first have you on record as a parent or other family member of a student enrolled in Shaffer Union. If you choose to take advantage of this service, please be aware that Gradebook displays. If you have an email address, and the school has this address on file, then you can request your activation code online, using the “Request Activation Code” button. Parents and students are encouraged to sign up for email alerts. You will also need either a personal email address, or a personal activation code provided by the school.


If you are not the student's parent, or do not live with the student, then your account will initially have access to only the student you signed up with.Ěfter your account is created, you will be able to add additional students to your account, if necessary. You will need to enter your name and registration code into the web browser you want to use on each computer you will be using the Gradekeeper web app on. If you are a parent, who lives with the student you sign up with, your account will have access to all students in that family.


  • Click Download to start downloading your file.In order to sign up for a new parent account, the school must first have you on record as a parent or other family member of a student enrolled in Shaffer Union Elementary District.
  • Note: This option is only available for Plain text file export.
  • Separator: Select the delimiter for the text.
  • Grade export decimal points: Select the number of decimal points to be reported.
  • Grade export display types: Select which grade format(s) you wish to include in the export.
  • Note: This option is only available for XML file export. Click in the box under STUDENT and beside the number 1. Once you open Gradekeeper, the box opens below.
  • Export new or updated grades only: Exports only grades that have been changed since the most recent import. Registering Gradekeeper Setting up Gradekeeper To Continue.
  • gradekeeper registration

  • Require active enrollment: Only include students in the export whose enrollment is active and has not been suspended.
  • If you are a parent you can register a personal login using the login code.
  • Include feedback in export: Include a column in the exported file for existing feedback or to add feedback for future upload. Students and parents: this information is provided to you by your school or teacher.
  • Under Export format options, select the check boxes for the settings you wish to change.
  • At the top or bottom of the list, you can click Select all/none to make selecting columns more efficient. This is a one-time payment, not an annual. The new Gradekeeper class will look as follows. Your students’ names will be imported from the text file with commas between their numbers and names. The menu will ask if you wish an import tab delimited text.


    Note: By default, every column in your gradebook will be included. An individual license is just 20, and allows you to use both the Gradekeeper web app and the Gradekeeper desktop app. 3) Now go to the File menu of your Gradekeeper file and click on Import. Under Grade items to be included, select the check boxes for the columns to download.CSV), below the Export tab, click the tab for a different file type. To change the file format from the default ( Plain text file.


    (License) What this entails is for the Gradekeeper Software Download student to focus found on the Gradekeeper Software Download topic being taught at when because it is impotent to apply previous knowledge at the Gradekeeper Software Download same time. By default, the page opens to Export to Plain text file. Track your students progress and let others check grades online. Below the page heading, select the Export tab.In the Navigation tray, select Grades.On your course page, make sure the Navigation tray is open ( hamburger icon, top left).In addition, columns will always be included for SPIRE class components which may or may not contain data: Dis sec (Discussion section), Ind sec (Individualized Study), Lab sec (Lab section), Lec sec (Lecture section), Pra sec (Practicum section), Sem sec (Seminar), and Sts sec (Studio/Skills).

    gradekeeper registration

    Moodle exports grades in the following file formats:Īlong with the grade items you select for export, the export will include First name, Last name, ID number (SPIRE ID), and Email address. Moodle allows you to take data from your gradebook and export it to your own computer so you can modify values or input them into your own grading system (e.g., if you use advanced formulas to compute grades and prefer to work in a program like Excel).

    Gradekeeper registration