Alfred the hedgehog
Alfred the hedgehog

alfred the hedgehog

Alfred the hedgehog series#

In the entire series the main characters have shown up in at least 3-5 different outfits each.

  • Hollywood Chameleons: Whoever wrote "The Invisible Visitor" must not have had access to research materials or wasn't willing to double-check.
  • Lampshaded when Cynthia complains about a trouble-making feral bird and a joke is made that points out that Cynthia is also a trouble-making bird.
  • Furry Confusion: Animal characters come in feral (unintelligent, purely animal), semi-feral (intelligent, but having non-humanoid bodies), and humanoid forms.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Cynthia's mineral water is called Gnarly Rockin' Extreme Energy Drink.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: All of the anthro characters have them.
  • alfred the hedgehog

    Feather Fingers: Chloe, an owl not on the same level of anthropomorphism as the main cast, has these.Remy's daughter (possibly) does not have this, but her eyes are smaller then all of the other females. Remy and his son Edgar, both of whom are moles. Subverted a few times when the answers come from books, or from other characters.Most of the research is done via computer and other media.Usually, they're laughing at themselves for getting so worked up over a simple situation. "Everybody Laughs" Ending: Almost every other episode utilizes this.Elaborate Underground Base: Hedgequarters is a benign, junior version of this.Anna uses the word "amnesia" to describe it. Easy Amnesia or just Trauma-Induced Amnesia: After Grizz regains consciousness from a concussion, he can't remember the last few moments before he got it or just how he got it.Basically, the ones with Cute Little Fangs in this show are the canine and vulpine characters.and Razzy. Fox Boy, Fox Girl, and the wolf characters from Black Forest also have these.

    Alfred the hedgehog